Duplicate Reports Printing from Dashboard


I have a BAQ pulled through to a dashboard, The tables i am bringing in is Customer, InvcHead and Plant.

I have an updatable field on InvcHead.StopLetter_c. On the dashboard i have two buttons. One selects all InvcHead.StopLetter_c on the grid, the other clears them.

I have a BPM on InvcHead Method directive Standard with a condition of when InvcHead.StopLetter_c changes from false to true print preview the SSRS report. This works great other than i am receiving duplicate reports off.

If i have a customer that has 3 invoices and stopletter is selected on all 3 it will print 3 times. I only want this to print once as all my grouping and information is on the SSRS. The SSRS has a breaking and routing on CustID but i am unable to place some sort of parameter in the BPM such as CustNum. Does anyone have any ideas?


It sounds like the report is generated for each line in the dashboard (the ones that went from OFF to ON). If you look in the System Monitor, you see individual print jobs. And without any easy way to one report to know that a prior report already printed, there’s no way to stop this.

You could add another UD column to InvcHead, and store the date that the change to StopLetter occured when your BPM runs… Then make a BAQ report that pulls all the records where StopLetter = 1 and the Date is Today. You might have to add the time to that saved UD field, then the report could look for the changed records around a window.