I have a BAQ pulled through to a dashboard, The tables i am bringing in is Customer, InvcHead and Plant.
I have an updatable field on InvcHead.StopLetter_c. On the dashboard i have two buttons. One selects all InvcHead.StopLetter_c on the grid, the other clears them.
I have a BPM on InvcHead Method directive Standard with a condition of when InvcHead.StopLetter_c changes from false to true print preview the SSRS report. This works great other than i am receiving duplicate reports off.
If i have a customer that has 3 invoices and stopletter is selected on all 3 it will print 3 times. I only want this to print once as all my grouping and information is on the SSRS. The SSRS has a breaking and routing on CustID but i am unable to place some sort of parameter in the BPM such as CustNum. Does anyone have any ideas?