we have every year a new revision.
we create new part by duplicate an old one.
we would duplicate a part with just one rev (last one of the year).
I try without success to delete the unwanted rev in post-processing BPM on part.duplicate method.
Could it work with c# code in bpm ? There is a better way to do it
I have a post processing BPM on Part.DuplicatePart that resets a bunch of things to a default state, including deleting all existing revisions. The funny thing is it always leaves the the latest revision intact in the duplicated part, but does delete the older ones. I don’t want it to work that way, but it seems to do just what you want. Here’s a screenshots. the highlighted blocks are the 5 widgets that delete the revisions:
Can you help me sort out how to clear PartPlant.VendorNumVendorID during duplicate?
Or maybe not bring over the supplier price list in VendPart table.
Or send a copy of your bpm and I can figure it out.
Kyle, I don’t change or delete the supplier when I duplicate the part. That’s one of the features we wanted to preserve.
I’m out of the office this week. I can more easily look in more detail next week.
We’re trying to clear supplier on so on PO Suggestions its clear that the price list is not correct and that the part is new.
ISO 9001 would be better for handling this and task sets
Here’s what I would do to delete the supplier after a Duplicate Part in a post processing directive:
PartPlant.VendorNum field - set to 0 for the new PartNum
VendPart table - delete rows that match the new PartNum
VendPBrk table - delete rows that match the new PartNum
There may be other fields or rows to delete, depending on which tables you populate, but that is how I would start.
PM me if you want a copy of my BPM (that does not include deleting the supplier). Edit: I guess I can’t PM anyone, or maybe I can’t figure out how.
I updated the BPM that I use after duplicating a part to match our business needs. It now does these steps:
Sets some user defined fields that we use for RoHS.
Clears Manufacturing and Purchasing Comments.
Deletes all Part Revisions.
If a Supplier is defined on Supplier Price list or Part>Site>Purchasing, then prompts the user to Keep or Clear that data.
Creates an pop-up message and an email with the new part info.
To delete the Purchasing Supplier from the Part>Site with this BPM, the Extended Properties for PartPlant.VendorNum must be edited so the checkbox “Required when adding” is unchecked.