Drop Ship issue-- Not pulling "Sold To Customer" data

Our Shipping/Receiving team has only used Drop Ship Entry maybe eight times in the last two years, and it looks like we still have a few things to figure out. After our Sales and Purchasing departments created Sales and Purchase Orders and linked them together, our shippers tried to create an entry in Drop Ship Entry. They couldn’t complete it, though due to an error message that popped up saying “Invalid Sold To Customer.” The “Sold To” controls on the right side of the screen were blank, even though the PO pulled into Drop Ship Entry was linked to a sales order. The Shipping team wound up deleting the incomplete entry, receiving all the order’s parts into inventory, and shipping it the normal way. We’d like to have a real solution next time this happens, though.

I’m a little out of my depth here as I don’t use any of these screens in my day to day work and I have no idea where the problem was. Anyone know how to get around this? Here’s a picture Shipping sent me before deleting the entry:

Unfortunately we get the same error when we try to create a drop ship PO for multiple customers. Below was the response I got from Epicor Support, and until this is fixed we have to enter separate Purchase Orders for each customer.
"Lacey, a SCR (Software Change Request) was created for this issue, SCR 201001 Drop Shipment Entry - Not allowed to add Line from PO referring to Sales Orders of different Customers. Its current targeted release is 10.2.100"

That’s what I suspected-- I wasn’t sure how exactly the customer data controls would handle multiple customers, and I’m not surprised that they just don’t! Thanks for the explanation, I’ll pass that along to Shipping.

Shipping just got back to me, and they say every sales order they were working with had its own individual PO, which they were drop shipping one at a time. So now I’m confused again!