Look into DMT. There is a section for setting up a new company, and it lists everything - in the correct order. All you would need to do is create the queries to put the data into XLSX sheets and then feed it back in via DMT.
You wouldn’t want any of the transaction data, so you really just need to focus on the more static data like customer, contacts, GL Chart/Books, Part numbers (and Part Rev, Mom/Bom, OpMaster data if needed).
Thank you @Randy and @MikeGross.
I knew about the DMT, however that Tool is littered with land mines. i.e. Parts that start with zero, gaps in PO lines and Sales Order Lines, etc.
We will likely ask a consultant to help us - just because I don’t want to deal with the stress associated with DMT.
I must confess that I am not even sure that is what Mgmt wants to do - maybe all we need to do is use one of our existing GL Segments , i.e. add a new 'Division" in the GL or Add a new segment to represent the new company.
However, they did ask about “Copying a Company” and I wanted to make sure i was speaking correctly by saying there is no Copy Company function. I know there is a “Delete Company” function in the Appserver Admin Console - but it has been a while since i played in that sandbox and I wanted to make sure.
@DaveOlender there are a few posts on the forum regarding this topic. There is not a one size fits all solution. Usually comes back to DMT templates and BAQ exports.
I’ve done these copies mainly for acquisitions that are inheriting a similar setup from another one of our companies. I have had baq exports to extract and clean the data that align to the dmt template. it might be faster to clean it in excel the first time, but after repeating a few tests we’ll appreciate the baq doing the work.
DMT playlists are also your friend, get the sequence of the imports lined up correctly and it’s easy to repeat.
Still having PTSD about using DMT for this, eh @DaveOlender. Note for the rest, Dave and I were at a company where we were doing the DMT thing to copy one company to another in the late 10s.