Does Design SSRS work for you in the Kinetic system monitor in 2023.2?

Support insists that design ssrs is working fine in the kinetic system monitor but it doesn’t work for me - when I click it literally nothing happens. No errors, nothing. Support will not respond to my requests for a solution or even any troubleshooting steps at all.

It still works fine from the classic system monitor, but they have removed that from the menu in 2023.2 and I can’t figure out how to get it back. Even when I create a new menu item referencing the correct (as far as I can tell) dll, it just . . . doesn’t show up in the menu.

Yes I know you can launch it from right clicking in the system tray but that doesn’t let you change company context which makes it somewhat useless.


Really? Nobody else on 2023.2 has tried this?

You did generate for design first right?

Oops. Once again, from the top, with generate for design:

Same menu as yours in Kinetic, click as much as you want, nothing happens:

…and works fine in Classic:


Thank you! It’s driving me crazy that support insists this works fine and it literally does not work at all. Case has been open for over a month with no progress.

Finally got it submitted to development. PRB0277532 if anybody else wants to log a case on it.