Document Attachment error

We have been attaching documents for years in Epicor and never had issues. I have one user (she uses this ALOT) that has started to have issues. I think this is more a network issue but not sure.

I even tested it and get the same error. It appears to be telling me that the path (network location) is gone…thoughts??

The odd part is it tells me it can’t attach the file but is shows up in the document attachment share.

If i try to open it is says file is damaged and could not be repaired.

That’s a permissions or network connectivity issue. Not an epicor issue. Maybe a bad network connection? or a bad Active Directory Relationship?


That is what I was thinking. Permissions have not changed and the user can attach a word document but not a PDF.

Wait its specific with PDF? do me a favor and remove the period from the middle of the file name and see if that helps? Wondering if that’s causing an issue.

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We have had same error when filename has two periods. Our folks usually have them in a row, so they really jump out at you. Kimberley I do not think you will be able to delete this attachment by normal methods.


Just tested this and appears to be the issue. I have asked the user to test it. I don’t know why they use period.

Nope same issue. I just walked thru it and no luck. Even if I moved the file to my local desktop.

Did you remove both periods in the middle of the file name?

Yes…still same issue.

Was the word Doc you said could be attached in the same folder as the PDF?

  • In Company Maintenance check the Attachment Path you have set, see if you can get to it.
  • If your setting is set to “File Transfer using Service” then make sure the Service Account that runs your IIS Poll can reach the Path. Perhaps its Password Expired.
  • If you are using “Client System Direct” then the users need to have permissions
  • You may have “File Transfer using Service” on Company Maintenance, but you can override that PER Each Attachment Type, make sure the Attachment Type they are attempting isn’t trying to use “Client Direct Copy” if you don’t have permissions setup for Clients.
  • Your Server may be down
  • Disk Space etc…

Hope the info helps.

Also in 10.2.300 There is a New Setting in Document Type Maintenance, Verify it.

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i have checked everything and even permissions. The odd thing is some files will attache but others will not.

I did open a ticket with Epicor but not very helpful right now.

Here is the set up…

I can access that file location fine. I can browse the folder and open any file.

Found out we couldn’t RDP to server and permissions were odd looking (had to get my server guy). It is fixed now.

Rebooted server

I found this topic because I had a very similar issue. I resolved it this morning. My attachments showed up but would not open. Yes, my attachments have two periods in the file name (two file extensions). If you right click on the attachment and assign a document type to your attachment, no more issues. I can open all files now. We had to modify our BPM to assign document types to mass uploads of documents. Now everything opens fine. to do this manually:

  1. Open Part Maintenance
  2. Input your part number.
  3. In the left part tree, expand the tree to show your attachments.
  4. Right click attachments.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. There is a pulldown menu for Doc Type. Select the appropriate document type. Your system administrator can modify these.
  7. Your file and title fields should be populated already.

A note about document types: Our programmer explained to me that the document type populates the file links/attachments to a set of tables. Depending on your system setup, the file itself may be going to a directory set by your admin. Those tables and directories have permissions tied to them, so I’m told. Once I set my drawings to a doc type that I have access to, I had no further issue. Hope this helps!


Could you share the BPM you wrote to assign document types to the mass uploads? We are having an issue where many attachments were saved without a document type and they can now not be opened. The manual version of the update you listed is producing an error for us.