Docstar - Npn-PO Workflow - Adding Job Miscellaneous Detail Lines


I am quite new to DocStar and have been tasked with adding some functionality to one of our existing workflows. All of our workflows were set up prior to me joining the team and were configured by Epicor Professional Services. I reached out to Epicor Support and they stated that I needed to have Professional Services come in and assist and they could not provide any specific documentation related to the problem I was trying to solve. So here I am…

Problem: Our AP department needs to have DocStar invoices include an option for Job Miscellaneous Details. Specifically they want to have Project, WBS Phase, Miscellaneous Charge, and Amount added to invoices (these fields are found in Epicor invoices within Lines >> Job Misc Detail tab. See image below).

I’ve created new Fields in DocStar to represent the corresponding fields in Epicor within the Admin >> Fields page and then put them into a newly created Field Group. This allows me to expose the option to the end user and reference them in a workflow.

The way our current workflow works is that we have a node to check whether Line Items exist, if they do we put those values into a an array of sorts, and then create an invoice by sending over the relevant fields (in the Lines case something like $Field.LINE_PartDescription, $Field.LINE_ExtCost, $Field.LINE_PartNum, $Field.LINE_UOM, $Field.LINE_TaxExempt, and $Field.LINE_VendorQty) using the E10_Create AP Invoice Without PO DataLink. From my understanding this DataLink is an Epicor built data link as it has the E10 prefix.

So my approach to solving this problem was to basically replicate what was currently being done for Line Items but for Job Miscellaneous Detail Lines. I’ve duplicated the Check for Line Items and Create Misc Line workflow nodes and inserted my new fields but am stuck at the Create Initial Invoice node because I don’t see any relevant fields to associate my new fields with. Eg. @CompanyId = $Field.Company. I don’t have the @JDMProject for my $Field.JDMProject.

I could certainly be misunderstanding this functionality all wrong so some assistance would be greatly appreciated. I’m really looking for some solid documentation on how I can achieve this. I’ve read up on workflows and datalinks but they mostly speak in generalities which mostly don’t apply to what I am trying to accomplish. Also, suggestions on doing it a different, probably better, way are also welcomed.

Epicor Invoice Image:

Unfortunately, as a new user, I can only add a single image. Hopefully I can add additional images to replies in need be.

Thank you all in advance,

Brandon Kveene

I suspect you will have to write your own datalink - either via a SQL update command to the Line/Detail table (which is considered a no-no by Epicor and I don’t suggest it) or more appropriately, via a REST call that will include the new fields. Then you can substitute that new datalink in for the one that does not include the fields you want to use.

I’ve not done this - @gpayne @utaylor - did either of you guys finally make this work or am I thinking of someone else?

Like with DMT or REST, you need to replicate how Epicor would process this in the UI and create those steps in ECM. Your screenshot has M and you need a type of J and I think the job needs to be set to buy direct. I would have AP go thru the process with tracing on to get the flow. I believe the DataLink in V1 would be E10_Update AP Invoice Lines and Misc Charges, but maybe is should be Misc Job charges like the UI and it is missing.

In V2 they just have pre-create and create Invoice, so I assume setting the line type would determine which fields it used in the process.

So the question for support is does a datalink exist to make a J type Job Misc Charge AP line and then add Job Misc Detail?

If it doesn’t then the process would be make an UBAQ to add the Job Misc Line and then the Job Misc Detail information and call it via REST from ECM.

Thank you both for the information! We are currently using V1 but updating to use V2 in the very near future so it might be best to wait until then to implement this functionality if Epicor already has an existing datalink to do this.

That is a great Idea to have AP go through the process while tracing the flow.


Use a create ap job misc line and update master REST calls to create the invoice line and job misc after the create step has occurred. Since these rest calls aren’t part of the precreate it’s a process to get it working, but it does work in V2 workflows “depends if you talk to someone who has done like me or someone who never attempted it and figured it can’t occur without ECM development”.