DocStar ECM AP Automation

Hi All

I am looking at DocStar AP Automation but am having trouble understanding what modules are needed.

Do I need Epicor DocStar ECM Intelligent Data Capture (IDC) Workstation


Is it possible to get away with DocStar ECM On Premise, DocStar ECM Workflow licences with the DocStar ECM AP Module for Server.

Or do I need both?


When I spoke with the DocStar guys a while ago, the AP Workflow they will sell you for a hefty $$ tag is a full fledged workflow designed for large scale, high transaction processes.

We were told that you only NEED the basic Docstar on-prem license, workflow and server modules to create your own workflows. Now, the other nice bits like IDC/OCR/etc. will be a la carte add ons, so your list of modules will be your own needs.

I didn’t reevaluate Docstar at Insights but we are looking to have a follow up with them shortly and I’ll be asking the same questions, so I’m curious as to what you find out.


We’ve implemented docStar with AP Workflow and it’s great. Within the workflows there are 2 different options:

@Glenn_Mossman you don’t “NEED” the IDC add on, it just helps input the invoice number and PO number in order to get the workflows started. You can also put them in yourself and click submit or run and it will go through the workflow the same way it would as with IDC.

Ask the doc star guys to give you a demo with and without IDC.

Also, when you get the SOW, there will be a charge for all of the labor hours needed to complete the project- something that may or may not have been listed on the initial quote.

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