DMTing in cases is failing on every row where I am setting custNumCustID with "Invalid Sold To"

I have successfully imported cases and linked them to customers previously in another dev database. This database I’m importing into is newly populated and missing a lot of financial setup; I’m using it to set upand validate CRM migration from sugarCRM.

To add customers cases etc I’ve had to setup workforce, tasksets, expense codes, sales regions and territories etc etc etc. I guess I’m missing something else needing setting up, but don’t know what…

Interestingly i have been able to associate cases with customers interactively in my new database without issue, just the DMT raising the Invalid Sold To message,; and only if setting HDCase.custNumCustId (1240 in the example below).

Any ideas on what I might have missed?.

Example data:

SweetCaseID_c SweetCaseNum_c WorkFlowType Company CustNumCustID HDCaseNum IssueSummary IssueText ResolutionText priority CaseType_c CASESTATUS_c CaseStatus SiteFollowup_c Watchlist_c MachineDown_c KwikiURL_c SweetCaseCreated_c CompletionDate ChangeDate CaseOwner ProjectID
1025 612 HelpDesk KNZ
0 #1025:Problem with Long Axis Drive. Seems to have loose pinion or coupling Problem with Long Axis Drive. Seems to have loose pinion or coupling Tightened motor to gearbox coupling. 3 MACHINE CLOSED FALSE FALSE FALSE 29/04/2005 28/06/2005 3/02/2023 6:28 DEFREP 171

Do those customers exist?

@Chrisw CustNumCustID is the string a user enters that ties back to CustNum the index. Is that what 1240 is?

there are also a few other customer IDs that could possibly come into play.

Yes they are there.

Cases are linked to customers in a number of ways, normally by specifying a customer contact. When this is done epicor sets hdcase.custnum in the background. Thats a an actual table field in hdcase.

In my case our sugarcrm didnt have contacts against cases, just links to customer accounts.
Dmt allows you to set the customer link directly by specifying either custnum or custid, and for the latter dmt calls it custnumcustid, its not stored in the table directly but dmt uses it to actually set custnum via i assume a lookup on the customer table

Custid is a company unique string identifier; but we are stuck with mostly numbers during migration to link with with our sugar and accounting system. We will gradually move them to more friendly names after migration.

The import worked fine a month ago in our main dev database, just not in the new crm testing database.

The customers exist, have matching custid (1240 in this case).

I think something else is missing in the database.

We are also linking cases to projects if thats relevant, however removing that column has no effect in success. Removing the custnumcustid column allows the import to work.

After you get the case imported can you set the customer? If so what else gets set like customer name, territory, etc? I did not import case when I moved to Epicor, but when I did customers, I used a bpm on Update or UpdateExt to fix inbound data. I used an unused text field to carry the data and then cleared it after.

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Hi all, solved it, slightly embarassed :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

My csv file somehow has a stray carriage return character following the custnumcustid (still don’t know how it got in there, using and Excel ODBC connection to my sugarCRM, which I have backpopulated with epicor custids). Didn’t see them in Excel, did when I opened it with Notepad++.

Anyway using transform, clean on that column in Excel’s data thingy has sorted it out.

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