DMT Version mismatch between client eorro


I’m getting a login error when trying to log into DMT on our pilot environment, it was working previously but just started getting this error this morning, how can I resolve this issue?


Can you log into the Pilot with the regular client without that error? Running the client will upgrade to the latest patch.

If so, are you using the DMT in the Pilot folder and not the production folder?

Yes im logged into pilot, and yes im using the dmt from the pilot folder not our Live folder

And your connection URL is pointing to Pilot too? Do you have a saas846Pilot in your Environment drop-down for the DMT login screen?

yes connection url seems good, I don’t have a saas846Pilot in my dropdown, I have saas846ssl

I’m going from memory here, but I had three drop-downs: SaaS505, SaaS505Education, and SaaS505Pilot. If I remember correctly, it reads those from the .config files in the client\config folder. Maybe they’ve changed the folder structure since 10.2.500. :thinking:

I don’t know why, but at some point I had to reinstall Epicor on my PC. Whatever I did, i ended up with multiple Epicor folders. The older set does not have our Site ID, the new folders do have our site id. When I had this DMT version error, I had to make sure that the DMT I was opening was pointing to the folder with the site ID. I used to only have the “Client” folders. But now that I have the other folders with our site ID in the name, it seems like all the new updates go there. Note the last updated date on the folders.
See screenshot:
This could solve your problem. Good luck!