DMT Upload Part rev with only BOM


Hi all,
Every year we add a new revision for every part.
This year I have an issue with revision that have no operation, just materials.
When i uplaod the bill of material of those, i get an error:

Table: ECORev Message: File not available.

This is new for me, last year with DMT 4.0.35 it was fine.
I understood that the revision must be check out for be modified in a DMI group.
How I can achieve that massively ?
I’m using
Additionaly, now after I added the bom of alternate method of revision, I need to check in manualy the revision in epicor, is there a way to do it whit DMT ?

assuming the revision has ben created and is not currently checked out, without seeing the file, I would check what you have for the related operation column

A15_BOM_115_STD-YEAR+1.csv (46.4 KB)
Here the file, operation is left at 0.

It may be a bug in DMT. I was receiving a comparable error in version 11.2.300.11 that prevented BOM DMTs from working. I was told by support the issue was reported in PRB0272275, maybe check that out?