DMT Resource ID/Bill of Operations

Trying to import Bill of Operations for parts to include a resource. When I import it only imports the resource group but not the resource specified in the ECOOpdtl#ResourceID Column.

I suspect because the operation input for the Opcode column has only a resourceGroup for scheduling requirement .
I can manually checkout the part and then tie it to specific resource.

Any column I am missing that should be there to have the resource in the Bill of Operations?

Not sure if ECO is the same but I remember I ended up using two templates for jobs to get the resources.

DMT 1st JobOper only to set the operation
DMT 2nd pass JobOpDtl to set the resources

The DMT manual indicated I could do everything in one template/pass but I never did get that to work.

Sequence is important. Make sure your ECOOpDtl#ResourceGrpID appears as a column prior to ECOOpDtl#ResourceID. Both should appear after ECOOpDtl#OprSeq and ECOOpDtl#OpDtlSeq

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Thanks, this helped me a lot. I never realized that DMT cared about the order of the columns.