DMT - Purchasing Comments In Part Maintenance


We’re trying to reload purchasing comments into Part Maintenance via DMT. First time, it loaded fine. However, we tried to DMT again to reload new data on top of existing data and kept getting the following error:

Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.

Thought was that it may be due to customization, but there is no customization in Part Maintenance or Purchase Order Entry. There’s only the BPM for auto generating new part number in Part Maintenance and this has been up and running when we did our first purchasing comment load. We had this same error in a test environment as well without no BPMs at all.

Anyone came across this issue and might know what’s going on or if there’s a trick to reloading data on top of existing data?

My guess is you’re loading from CSV and your data has commas in it. Save the file as XLS and try loading again.

Mark W.

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The person doing the DMT indicated that they had sent the csv to Epicor tech support and they were able to load without any issues. I can have her try loading it as xls.

Make sure you only have values in your spreadsheets and no formulas.

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Thanks. Will take a look.