DMT Program for .604a?

We are looking to DMT some data into our 9.05.604a environment but when we login to epicweb, I see a DMT program for every version but ours. Has anyone else ran into this?

As there is a DMT download for 603 and 605, I’d suspect that the 603 version would be used with 604a as the 603 version would be the most current version of the DMT starting with 603 and ending with the patch before 605 when there was a new DMT installer provided.

My awkward way of saying that between 9.05.603 and 9.05.604a the 9.05.603 version of the DMT would be used.

That is my inference anyway

I tried using the .603 DMT program, and when it launched it would say it detected our epicor version is 604 it then asked if I would like to check for an upgrade, so I clicked on it, and it acted like it downloaded the update, but when I relaunched DMT after it seemed to finish the download and update, I got the same error prompt about trying to use a .603 version with .604, this was confusing as the program acted like it did an upgrade but I was still getting the prompt about the version mismatch afterward?

try this direct link:
DMT 9.05.604

Use your epicweb credentials.

EDIT: had issues with a direct FTP link

We stopped building DMT for 9.05.604 back in September because it looked like no one was using it. I have built a new version of DMT for 9.05.604 and requested for it to be uploaded onto the EpicWeb downloads page.

That download did it! Thank you!