DMT: PO Receipt Combined with multiple lines on the same PackingSlip

We receive multiple PONUM on one packing slip from our suppliers.

I am attempting to load with DMT–> Purchasing–> PO Receipt Combined with the attachedTEST3.csv (403 Bytes) .CSV file.

Column ‘Company,VendorNum,PurPoint,PackSlip’ is constrained to be unique. Value ',2,,82759.

I understand that the error is the RcvHead needs to be unique, but there isn’t anything to change except the PONUM (which is not required). Any help or examples requested.

Company		VendorNum	PurPoint	        PackSlip	        PONum 
<Company>	2		        ETOW		82759		134355
<Company>	2		        ETOW		82759		134705

First off, always use VendorID over VendorNum (or is it VendID?) Ditto for CustID over CustomerNum.

Does you CSV file work for the non-combined RcvHead by itself?

What we have done when we have one pack slip and multiple PO numbers is to add a letter suffix to the end of the pack slip number.


Pack Slip Number 12345

Po Numbers 425674, 425675, 425676, etc.

Pack Slip Number for PO 425674 would be 12345a
Pack Slip Number for PO 425675 would be 12345b
Pack Slip Number for PO 425676 would be 12345c

And so on.

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Still working on this, just troubleshooting.

I can get the PO Receipt header to enter with

Company    PackSlip   PONum     VendorNumVendorID     PurPoint     EntryPerson
<Company>  82759      134355    1256                  ETOW         WRK

I get an error “Cannot determine UOM Class of UOM” with the PO Receipt Detail with just one line

Company   PONum   VendorNumVendorID   PackSlip   PackLine  InputOurQty   BinNum 
<COMPANY> 134355  1256                82759      1         299           WIP

IUM   WareHouseCode  PurPoint   POLine   AllowGreaterReceiptQty
K     BG             ETOW       1        TRUE

The UOM Class is setup correctly and works when drag&dropping into Epicor directly and works the first line during PO Receipt Combined.

Still troubleshooting and not making any head way.
Would really like to get it to work with PO Receipt Combined.
If not this, then I’ll learn Service Connect or whatever to get this to work.

TEST4.csv (401 Bytes) has the variations you specified.

I get the following errors in DMT

82759a  Type of value has a mismatch with column type
Couldn't store <> in UD_SysRevID Column.  Expected type is Byte[].
82759b   Table: RcvHead Msg: A valid PO is required.

Using TEST4.csv, in Epicor–> Receipt Entry the Receipt Header is created, but no detail.

TEST5.csv (401 Bytes) (The only diff between TEST4 and TEST5 is the PONum field).

DMT error

82759b  Type of value has a mismatch with column typeCouldn't store <> in UD_SysRevID Column.  Expected type is Byte[].

In Epicor, the header is created and the detail for 134355 is created, however, 134705 is not created.

Ideally, this is not how I’d envision this to work. We want multiple lines on the same Packing Slip.

Pretty sure these need to match

And unless you need to override info that tis normally pulled from the PO, don’t supply it in the DMT file.

For example, if the PO was for 300 FT, and the value in your DMT file is in FT, just provide the qty.

But make sure there isn’t a mismatch between whether the PO uses Our UOM, or the Suppliers UOM. If the PO was for 300 FT, but entered as Suppliers Qty and UOM (100 YD), then just supply the QTY of 100.

Thank you for your reply. The example you are using is from my reply to @Beth and the TEST4.csv has that change you specified. It still didn’t work for me and is not how I’d envision this to work.

I am going to pursue another avenue to handle this, so please consider this closed on my end.

Thank you so much for your time and assistance.

In Epicor, you can have multiple lines on a pack slip with no issues as long as they are all from the same PO number. If the lines are on different PO numbers, then it creates a lot of issue, not only in receiving but in Accounts Payable as well.

I did some experimenting and you can have multiple POs on the same supplier packing slip.

It’s just not very straightforward during receipt entry or DMT.

According to the Data Dictionary, keys to the RcvHead table are:
Company, VendorNum, PurPoint, PackSlip

The fact that you enter a PO num first is kind of misleading. But it makes it easier than trying to figure out the VendorNum and PurPoint (they can be retrieved from the PO Number - which is almost always on the pack slip)

In DMT, you can have multiple PO’s but not via Combined method. You have to build out the RcvHead and RcvDetail tables separately.

Pardon my misunderstanding, but the shipper (supplier) probably should be be sending a BOL for each PO. Those BOLs would be attached to a Master BOL. The Master BOL is for legal transportation documentation and the individual BOLs each
contain the information pertaining to a single PO.

Best Regards,

Brandon Schwarz
