We are planning to mass update a large number of BOOs and BOMs via DMT. The business is asking for an export of the data which they will transform outside of Epicor and then we will mass-update using DMT.
In testing the BOO upload, DMT is throwing an error stating that FinalOpr expects a boolean (data source: PartRev.FinalOpr), but the existing values are integers and the datatype in SQL Server is int.
I might just skip this field for the sake of expediency, but it’s very likely that the business will make changes that require this value to to be changed.
If I ignore the field, does Epicor have some other mechanism or business logic to update the final op number?
If not, is there some other way to accomplish what we are trying to do?
One rule of thumb we use when doing DMT (especially for methods!) is to only DMT fields that are completed by users or fields that are reqd for it to run. Otherwise, there’s always failures from this field or that… IDK if you have many that aren’t needed, but I just wanted to put that out there.
We do not use this Final Opr field. See help below, if you have your ops in sequential order, then last is considered final without this checked. It does look like Epicor thinks it’s boolean (y/n).
This is what we used frequently in BAQ to get data out then update rev and put it back in. We use UD102 as a placeholder for parts/revs to export to work up DMT. No FinalOpr.\
Are you trying to upload to Job Operation or to Part Revision in DMT? There are two different FinalOpr fields. In JobOpr it’s a boolean, and in PartRev it’s an integer.
As @jnbadger points out final operation is held in PartRev or for a job JobAsmbl as the operation number that behind the scenes is set by the checkbox on the operation. If you have it on the BOO it is a bool that will update PartRev. Or leave it out of the BOO import and change it with PartRev as an operation number.
I always previous to processing query for approved and unapproved revisions. Each DMT row is a mini ECO so it will do a check out, change and then a approve and check in. For unapproved revisions you will need to set them back to unapproved. For approved I save the approver and the approval date to reset them rather than having them all as me and the date I ran the import.
Thanks Nancy. Using the fields in the DMT template (BOO), we analyzed the relevant tables to better understand which fields are populated with data and if so, what the range of choices is. Confirming your rule of thumb, many of the fields are blank or are auto-populated by the system, so the number of fields of interest to our business users is maybe one third of those in the template.
You’re welcome Bill! Yep with DMT we have certainly found less is better… I disturbingly recall early on leaving part description in one of our Part DMTS. On upload the carriage return in there for some of them crushed many of our crystal reports from running. We then needed to strip them out fast via DMT to get things running again. Lots o fun!