Looking for the secret sauce for importing Sales Order Detail information?
I’ve gotten everything EXCEPT (for some reason) the unit price.
I’m importing the unit price, docunitprice, list price, doclistprice - even tried initialing the over price and override price list field s to true and still nothing. there’s nohints in the template. The field listed on the sales order is called curunitprice.
I got the unit cost to come out on the screen - now I need to get the extended cost/price to appear on the Purchase order. The extended cost appears on the PO entry form - but is not printing on the PO itself.
I’ve got:
Unit cost, docunitcost, scrunitcost, docscrunitcost for cost fields
I also have calcourqty, pricingqty abd base qty fields filled in
I also have pricingunitprice filled in as well!!
I’m staring at the template and I can’t see any more quantity or price/cost fields in there. I don’t see any extended fields in that table either…(at least not in the template)
I looked at my template from loading into E9.I had CalcOuQty, UnitCost and DocUnitCost like you. I also had CostPerCode set to E and QtyOption set to Our.