DMT not setting Price in OrderDtl

How to set the UnitPrice for OrderDtl records with DMT?

The DMT Template Builder says the UnitPrice field is actually calculated (see below).

How can I override this?

If it’s a valid item in the Part table the unit price is defaulted using the following logic:

  • Determine if a price break is effective. The basic idea is to see if you can find a record in the OPrice table and then adjust the unit price retrieved from the Part table.
    Price breaks can exist with the following configurations:
  1. Part/Customer
  2. Part/Price level
  3. Part
  4. Product group/Customer
  5. Product group/level
  6. Product Group
    The search logic is done in the above order. If a OPrice is found and it has an EndDate of zeros or the EndDate is >= OrderDate then consider that a price break has been found and the search quits. Use the Order quantity to determine which element of the QtyBreak array should be used. Then either a fixed unit price is selected (unitprices) or a discount percent is selected (discountPercents) and applied to the Unit Price retrieved from the Part table.

I believe you need to import ordbasedprice or docordbasedprice if you are multi currency. Ordbasedprice is the netprice. also set lockprice to true

I set LockPrice to true in the import file.

One of the basics of DMT training was to do the same operation in the app and mimic that in the file.

I found setting the OverridePriceList field to TRUE worked.

I’ve found that entering these will work for Order Price:

but your situation may be different with Price Lists/Discounts and Currency Conversions
So if if works, go with it
