I have been working through a problem with PO releases.
Through DMT many releases were closed in error.
When you close an open release, (set PORel.OpenRelease to FALSE), the status of the release is set to “V”
When setting the value of PORel.OpenRelease to TRUE, the Status was not update to “O”.
This causes an issue with Mass Receipt not working.
After going around and around with Epicor Support - they asked if I had tried, ReOpenRelease to update the table? Didn’t know it existed.
So, if you need to Reopen a release that was closed and voided, use ReOpenRelease as your column set to True.
Now, if there only a place to find the Manual on all of the DMT loads that one could use.
Maybe a help button??
There should be a post to capture all the “oops” in Epicor fields and errors.
The best ones are the Blank error codes that pop up.
Still looking for that manual or extended help.
I guess it is just the templated that you need to read through to know what is there.
And tribal knowledge to know when a CSV file works and an XLS or XLSX won’t work,