DMT Method of Manufacture from scratch


In the process of getting launched we will need to add BoM’s and BoO’s.

Does anyone have a list/process for how to DMT Manufactured Parts with Revisions, Bill of Materials, Bill of Operations, and any other potential things needed.

I know I can do some trial and error to get there, just wondering if any experienced veterans can help a brother out.

Good luck with your launch. Are you looking for the order of which DMTs to process?

For the DMT’s you’ll want to do them in the following order:
Part Plant
Part Revision
Bill Of Operations
Bill Of Materials

That is of course assuming you only have one level in your methods. If you start introducing subassemblies then things get screwy.

I’d highly recommend doing a quick search on powershell with DMT, the combination is exceptionally powerful.


Another thing I feel like I should note is the Bill Of Operations and Bill Of Materials DMTs approve the revision (Or they do in my version).

This is true… but after running your BOO and BOM DMTs you should go into Engineering Workbench using your ECO Group and make SURE no stragglers got left behind. If there are ANY errors during the upload, it’s likely something’s still in there.

And it is Best Practice to do the BOO first (Related Operation on the BOM requires that the operation exists first… and even if you don’t use that field it’s still a good habit to be in).


I hate to revive this old thread, but I have another question related here. We have some manufactured parts that use other manufactured parts in their BoM’s. Does that mean I will need to make sure the child/sub-assembly manufactured parts and methods are all completely imported before the parent? Or as long as the part itself exists as a pointer once the methods for both are complete and roll ups are done all will be well with the methods?

If the part number doesn’t exist, Epicor will mark it as a Buy Direct part and later on you’ll have to remember to change that back… so I strongly recommend that the part number exist before doing the upload.

Generally speaking, the MOM for that lower-level assembly does NOT need to exist. But test first. If you have lots of lower levels, do one of the harder ones first all by itself and make sure it finishes up the way you want it.,