This is it. Warehouses/Bins are tied to plants/sites and your plant column is blank. So DMT doesn’t know which plant your warehouses are associated to.
The Part Warehouse Table has the info I need but doesn’t have Plant info available.
The Plant & Plant warehouse have the info also, but it doesn’t have Manual ABC which is what I want to change.
So I have to go with the Part Warehouse Template. In my csv file I could fill in the Plant info.
I also have only one Plant.
In my BAQ I have combined Part Warehouse and Plant Warehouse to pull all the correct info but I don’t have the Manual ABC if I use the Plant Warehouse Template. I am assuming that I can’t combine two templates together.
I do believe I have tried filling in the Plant info into my csv file that I pull already and it didn’t work.
I am no expert on DMT but I have been able to get very simple done.
So try your file again with the plant filled in. if you only have one it’s probably MfgSys. Make sure you get the case right. Post a screen shot of the errors.
That’s correct. But the templates don’t always only include one table. Sometimes it can bridge more than one. It seems like it should only be one, but it might not. So as long as the info is correct, it doesn’t really matter which table you pulled it from.
I redid everything and it worked. Seems like my main problem was that my BAQ was pulling part numbers that weren’t in Part Maintenance. I was testing with about 10 part numbers and they failed. When I ran a test with about 50 part numbers I saw that some of them completed. Then I ran about 125 and it completed and made the change I wanted in Manual ABC. Then I ran what was left in my test DB and out of 2600 parts there were only 26 unknown part numbers. Thanks for all the help it pointed me in the correct direction.