I am trying to DMT some items into Epicor. Every time I try to DMT my Finished Good parts I am getting an error message that says Field references invalid value. Any ideas on how to fix this would be great!
I’ve seen this before if a user try’s to enter a field spelled out instead of abbreviated. Example ClassID = Finished Goods instead of FG.
What are your column headers on the template and does the error message say anything before “Field Reference Invalid Value”?
I wasn’t able to replicate the issue on my end, note I had to add PartDescription and it worked for me, not sure if that was a field hidden on your screenshot.
Does your Plant & Warehouse share the same value?
Some of the newer versions of DMT require specifying required fields (like Part.PartDescription) even when just updating an existing record.
Another thing that might be an issue is that sometimes plant or warehouse ID is case sensitive.
I subscribe to the method of “try a bunch of stuff and when it starts working, quit fixing.”
One of the things I would try is true or false instead of 1 or 0 for your non-stock column.
Are there more columns to the right?
I agree with @jdtrent usually true/false are the accepted values, not 1/0.
Actually I just did a DMT on a Boolean field and my values were true/false.
Thanks for the feed back. I figured it out. It was not the true/false issue. I had to load my partrevs before I could successfully load my parts.