We are setting up for a second Site/Plant in Epicor. I want to help out by using DMT to add the new site with a primary warehouse, safety qty, min mft lot size, and several other fields to some purchased Parts.
I’m using a csv file, with the following columns
Company Plant PrimWhse PartNum BuyerID SafetyQty MinMfgLotSize DaysofSupply ReceiveTime PersonID MinOrderQty LeadTime ForecastTime VendorNumVendorID PurPoint GenerateSugg BuyToOrder DropShip
When I run DMT, I get errors on all Parts
2022-08-22T14:11:09 PartNum 25016 Plant NEWARK 25016 NEWARK Table: ttPartPlant Msg: Field references invalid value.
NEWARK is the site ID for the second site, I’ve confirmed the spelling ect.