Anyone been using DMT with the new 10.2.600 in MT CLoud? Mine would not run after the upgrade so I re-installed - now its telling me my version is not compatible if the system should check for updates - but there are no updates after checking???
DMT should be installed with the client, automatically. The only thing you should need to do is copy in your licence file (which does get wiped out in the upgrade).
Just finished a cloud upgrade from 10.2.500 to 10.2.600.2 and I did not have any issues with DMT.
Except I had to drop the DMT License file into the Client folder as the upgrade removes it.
I guess you’re right, not sure what was wrong with my install, but I got it now
The real solution with 10.2.500+ is to have Epicor issue you a new license file. DMT is now licensed as any other product. They haven’t done these automatically. Ask Customer Support for a new file and have the Cloud Team install and enable DMT for you. I’ve done this for 10.2.500 and it works great.
The other benefit is you can now add new companies on your own without asking for a new license from Epicor.
No way! Good to know. That’s for 10.2.500 when you have a new license file? Is it via the admin console?