Hello, Quick question about exporting XML with DMT.exe. I am trying to run the following command, but only get CSV output. I see that there is a -ExportDataFormat switch, but it does not seem to export xml with the following command.
Arguments -BAQ and -Export are for calling a BAQ and exporting the data as CSV (only).
-Export: When Export is set and Import is not, this tells DMT to perform a BAQ Export.
-BAQ: The name of the BAQ to run in BAQ Export mode.
Oh man… Thanks so much for the reply!! We are currently using BAQ export for XML and it seems to only allow us to export to the server that Epicor is installed on. Our hope was to move those exports to other storage. I can always set up a script to manually move those XML files to the remote storage on a schedule. Thanks for confirming that -Export and -ExportDataFormat xml don’t play well together.