I am trying to DMT PO Details and I get this error: “Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.”
I have just 4 columns Company, PONUM, POLine and PartNum
Any ideas?
I am trying to DMT PO Details and I get this error: “Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.”
I have just 4 columns Company, PONUM, POLine and PartNum
Any ideas?
No commas. It is a regular Excel file. I put the commas in my message only.
Use the template builder , and paste in your data into that… odd
I think Jose may be on the right track here. I’ve seen Excel dump blank columns into a “Used Range” before. Can you convert the Excel file to a CSV and open it with notepad to see if there are extra commas?
Look at the columns loaded in the grid. It will load hidden columns or sometimes it finds data where there are just spaces.
I tried creating just one record with the four columns manually in Excel and still the same problem …
Did you try a CSV?
I believe you also need CalcTranType, which comes from the PORel records.
This error is usually caused by the inclusion or exclusion of Extended UD fields in the schema. This was an issue in DMT versions prior to If two imports were loaded into DMT that used the same table schema (E.g. Purchase Order Header and Purchase Order Detail) then Epicor would cache the Extended UD field schema and cause this issue. This was fixed in the March release of DMT (version So, if you are using a version of DMT prior to, then the solution is to upgrade to the latest version or close DMT between doing a Purchase Order Header import and a Purchase Order Detail import. However, if you are using DMT version or later, then it is a problem with your database schema and you should check that you regenerated the data model after adding the Extended UD field.
I just had the same issue latest version of DMT ( when importing my SO Details table (we’re on 10.1.400.24) after importing the SO Headers. I closed Epicor and DMT, restarted DMT, and then it worked.
FWIW-I tried both .CSV and .XSLX, no extra columns, rows, or commas.
Thanks for the suggestion to restart DMT!