DMT DMRActn Custom Columns

I have added a UD field to the DMRActn table. When I look in the system, it’s synced and everything appears in the BAQs and via the dbo view that was created. When I go into DMT, however, the field is not there. In addition, there are several fields showing in DMT that aren’t in the DMRActn table as well.

Is the DMR process for the DMRActn table special in some way? I’ve uploaded UD fields into other tables before, so I didn’t anticipate this as being an issue. Yet here I am :no_mouth:

DMT acts on Business objects, so it’s not like a DMT is for a specific table. It’s more common than not, that a DMT import will affect multiple tables. Some DMT datasets will even require fields from multiple tables.

If you make a MD BPM on the BO that updates the table in question, are the UD fields visible in the BPM’s dataset.

And lastly, the DMT instance is going to the right environment ( test vs production)?

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Yes. I ended up doing a uBAQ. Easy enough, just strange that the DMT didn’t show the field.

Yes, I checked three update methods and they all show the new field.

Well, its not unheard of for DMT to have bugs …

I know. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

Thanks @ckrusen!