DMT Delete Role Code Rates

Hi there,

I’m trying to delete Role Codes using DMT, but get error:

Msg: Delete not allowed. Referenced by at least one Project Role Rate

My file has Role Codes and ProjectRoleRates and I’ve tried running the DMT file in Delete mode but the Rates and Roles do not get deleted.

I’ve tried adding a column PrjRoleRt#RowMod = D but that didn’t work either.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Here is a sample of my file:


Have you tried running a separate DMT to delete the rates and roles first prior to deleting the roles codes with your original role codes DMT?

Thanks for your reply. This is a separate DMT file, if I understand your question.

There is no DMT template for ProjectRoleRates so they are only available for import/delete through the RoleCode file as far as I know.

What I’d like to do is delete the rates and not the Roles if possible. If not, I’d be okay to delete both.

Can anyone suggest how to manually delete Project Role Rates? It says they are in use, but where?


You may find that you will need to remove the Role Codes where they have been assigned first then you can proceed in deleting them and the rates.

Thanks for your reply. I indeed found an employee having the role/rate. Deleting the Rate from the employee then from the Role enabled deletion of the Role.
Now to see if that works via DMT using RowMod=D.