DMT Customer Shipment Entry

Hi guys,

So I’m trying to generate new packing slips via DMT.

The PackNum is sequentially generated if I put 0 and that’s exactly what I need.

Then I run into scenarios where there is more than 1 PackLine (grabbing parts from different lots or bins). Now, the problem is that instead of generating 1 new PackNum for these 2 PackLines, it’s generating 2 new PackNum. Any pointer is really appreciated.


Hi Dan, I’m not sure there’s a way around that… For each row, it’s going to re-evaluate the PackNum and generate a new one if blank or 0.

In the description for ShipDtl#PackLine in DMT, it says system generated too, so I don’t think it’s going to recognize that you are trying to create one Pack with 2 lines. Is it an option to create the Pack first then upload the additional lines?

You might be able to create a BPM or custom code where if the OrderNum is the same, then it’s combined on same shipment header.

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As far as I see at least on the latest version, as long as the PackLine is sequential, it should keep using last Pack created.

Which version of the DMT/ERP are you using?

EDIT: Select both Add New and Update Checkboxes

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Thanks, Jonathan. I’m not sure how I did it yesterday but I rebuilt my template from scratch this morning and apparently it grouped the Pack Line (if they are sequential) under the same Pack Num.