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No, and it doesn’t really matter as long as you include the Company ID in all your DMT loads. You can even load into multiple companies with the same load. Also look out for Plant/Site specific data and include the Plant/Site ID when possible.
When you login to DMT it uses the Company you last exited Epicor under.
The DMT session has the same access and permissions as the Epicor user it was logged into with.
Also all transactions and record changes will have that user id if there is a field for it.
For these reasons you might want to create a DMT only account, makes it easier to explain how something happened.
I’ve never seen this happen before Calvin. My guess is it’s the test environment defaults or something if it can’t load the local config file. Though it should error.
One thought, where is your DMT.exe file located, it usually uses that location as an app-server home-base for finding the correct config file. I had to make sure that if I wanted to open DMT from say the desktop that I use a shortcut and that the Start In value is within that app server.
I would recommend that you report this to Epicor Support though.
Golden is an internal testing server they’ve used / hard coded / defaulted. It shouldn’t show up as long as it can read your environment. I’ve ran into that one a few times.
The worst time was when I had “Single Sign-On” selected to speed up launching the program. But when it defaults to “Golden” the SSO fials, and the program exits. Never giving me the chance to change the environment from Golden to our Production or Test DB.
Jose - I have two shortcuts for DMT. One for the Production DB, and one for our test DB. Both show “Golden” as an option in the drop down. Every single time.
Snippet of DMT launched by the shortcut for our test DB (MC-UAT)
Do you by chance have a golden config file in your config subfolder you are calling DMT from? That is how I usually see the environment combo populated.
DMT stores the last config file name used in the %APPDATA%\DotNetIt\DMTv10.ConfigAppSettings file. DMT defaults to this config file on the login page. If this config file does not exist then it defaults to Default.SysConfig. If this does not exist then it defaults to the 1st config file in the Config folder under the Epicor client folder. The %APPDATA%\DotNetIt\DMTv10.ConfigAppSettings file is human readable and is recreated on DMT exit, so can safely be deleted.
The only time I’ve run into an issue is when I’ve created a new company before requesting the new license. If you’re not licensed for the last company you exited, DMT will not run. Switch over to a licensed company and you’re fine. A “no brainer” when it’s written out but I’ve come across it before on a multi-company instance.