DMT - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

Upon logging into DMT, I get the message:

“Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.”

The opening page does not display… not sure what’s happening. Does someone know?

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See this post from this morning…
DMT is still usable while this error is showing on the landing page.

Funny it is the last day of the month and some of us in E10 using DMT today is seeing this message all of a sudden!

Well, well, well… thank you for the tip! I tried it and indeed, it does seem to be working! Go figure…:grinning:

Thanks for the post. Was just trying to figure out what’s going on and saw your post. Running the tool now and it seems to be working fine.

This seems to be happening to DMT again this morning… has anyone ever reported this to Epicor so they know this is happening? Presumably they need to increase resources on wherever they are hosting this intro screen?

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I got the

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

message when opening DMT this morning. It’s only the 16th of the month.

Guys this happens all that time lol time to move on clearly Epicor doesn’t care I"m guessing DMT is getting moved more tightly integrated into Epicor / EpicWeb and they aren’t bothering fixing this. :laughing:

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This is just a cosmetic issue and DMT functionality is not affected at all.

The splash/welcome page is simply not working, it does not affect any imports or performing updates to the DMT client itself.
This usually happens around the end of the month if there has been an abnormal volume of traffic to the splash page.

The issue will resolve itself on the 1st of the next month.

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