DMT - Audit Description

When using DMT for BOO or BOM updates, has anyone found way to add “Description of Change” which would then be visible within the Audit Log of the Revision, versus having “Imported” default into that from the DMT push?

Obviously when checking out/in manually, you can enter comments into the Description of Change but when using DMT, I haven’t found a way to do this - does anyone know the secret?

I think there is a field called Audit Text that we used a few years ago on E9. This field displays as Audit Log on the Revision.

Vinay Kamboj.

The following fields in the DMT template works.

Company PartNum RevisionNum MtlSeq MtlPartNum Plant ECOGroupID AuditText
WI 100186 _ 10 100186-CL MfgSys import just testing for e10help message

Then your message appears in the Audit Description in the Audit Log:

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Oh, you guys are the best, I knew it had to be a simple thing!

Thank you very much, just tested it and it worked perfectly!