I was surprised that Epicor 10 does not come equipped with a DMR form to send suppliers when materials are rejected. Does anyone have a form they could share for this?
How are others communicating nonfonformances/rejections to suppliers?
We created a custom webpage form (using an internal webserver) that reads from Epicor and outputs a form.
We give the Vendors the URL. They visit the page fill it out and it saves their responses into UDFs on the DMRHead in Epicor. It sends email alerts to interested parties when the form is filled out and saved. We also have automated alerts to send to vendors when they forget to fill it out.
But this is totally non-standard above and beyond what Epicor offers. That’s just our approach and it works pretty well for us. Others may have different solutions.
We use the miscellaneous pack slip as a form to put with the discrepant material to send back to the supplier. You can add the DMR number to the pack slip and it will populate the supplier, part, etc located on the DMR. If you want to customize the miscellaneous pack slip you can add the buyer contact info, logo, etc. Hope that helps.