DLLs don't run since upgrade from 10.2.200 to 10.2.400

This one is probably not truly an Epicor issue, but maybe it is. When we upgraded to 10.2.400, we also had to update .NET. 2 DLLs that were created in house to notify people about UnSubmitted Time and UnApproved Time have stopped working. I recompiled them using the newer .NET and 10.2.400 server and client DLLs. Now we get the below error when running them. Any ideas?

Are the re-compiled DLLs in the proper place?

Likely the referenced Epicor DLL’s (Erp.Internal.CR8UnApprovedTime.dll) in your custom DLL are still referencing the older 10.2.2 versions. You’ll likely need to locate the 10.2.4 version of Erp.Internal.CR8UnApprovedTime.dll and reference this version instead of 10.2.2.

Usually these dependencies are located at {Epicor Directory}\Epicor10.2.400\Client

I couldn’t say for sure that they are in the right place, but my boss is pretty careful when setting things up. I send them to him, he puts them in place. And we didn’t do the upgrade in place, we built new servers and copied the data to those servers. The old DLLs would be replaced by the new ones.

After making sure the DLLs are loaded in the correct custom folder. “<AppserverName>\Server\Customization\Externals”. Then make sure the application server has been recycled.

Also, what @jbrekke said as well. Ensure this is correct.

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The custom folder was incorrect, thank you for leading us to it :slight_smile: