Distinguish Warehouse and Bin Locations

We have POs with multiple lines and releases that some of them go to one Warehouse/Bin location and the others go to a different Warehouse/Bin location. How/where can we do this so they are located correctly? Our consultant stated this can be done at PO Receipt level however I tested and the area is grayed out so unable to override. These Parts/POs will not always go to these locations just this PO will be split this way (for now). Please advise. Thanks

you control where ( Site and Warehouse) the PO is going on the PO Release.
once it arrives you control what Warehouse and Bin it gets received to with receipt entry.

What are you trying to change?

That’s the thing we used to be able to make all those changes in the PO Release, but after the upgrade to 10.2.400 (at least that’s what we’re assuming) we no longer can do this change. All I was trying to do is change the one Release to one Bin and the other Release to another Bin. But grayed out so couldn’t override.

You can’t change an approved PO.