Displaying picutures in Epicor 9

Our company would like to display a picture of a product in the Parts screen. (Epicor 9.05.700C)

I know a picture can be displayed in the Employee screen, Can it be done elsewhere and done anyone have some instructions or example of how to do this?

  • Neil

I made this video for E10 but it should work

Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef

Much thanks Jose,

Fantastic help.

Merry Christmas as well…

  • Neil

Thanks for the video. Could you give a quick run down on what is

It’s a method that gets the current instance of the given epidata view within the given Transaction

Not to be confused with Factory Method Pattern although I think that’s what they were going for here but it is in this case a misnomer

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Hi Jose,

I am almost there. Just one tip please…

What is the event that occurs (and that I can use to clear the picture box) when the “Clear the form” button is pressed and the user answers “Yes” to the dialog box?


  •  Neil

You can do it in the EpiDataVIew notify event, where the Row = <0 there is a before toolclick event but that will fire before they click yes.

Thanks Jose,

Much appreciated, again and still.

  • Neil