I’m trying to unassociate a BIN from a part. In the Part Maintenance program I list all bins where the part might stored, and then attempt to delete it from that list, but the ‘Delete’ functions is disabled. So where should I go to make the disassociation.
In our case we have zero quantity of this part in that bin.
So if a bin is designated as Primary … that would be at the warehouse level, and every part stored in that warehouse has that bin as the primary location?
I may have mislead you. I was thinking of the Part Tracker.
You only need to make Warehouse Bins (on the Part -> New menu, not referring to blank bins in a warehouse), if you want to have different Replenishment parameters.
We never setup Part-Warehouse-Bins. For a given part, all bins of a warehouse use the settings on the Part -> Site -> Warehouse -> Detail tab.
@tkueppers If you have done a cost roll up, you can’t delete any bins from that part. I found that out the hard way. It does a cost roll transaction for every bin associated with that part. If you have any transactions for that part in history, you can’t delete the bin from that part.
Cost rolling does a transaction against the part. It’s one of those things that locks field in place. To check this out, look at a part that hasn’t had a cost roll or any other inventory transaction (check Part Transaction History Tracker for transactions) against it to see if the red X is greyed out. It shouldn’t be for that part.
I believe Tim mentioned that the bin he was trying to delete was setup as the Primary Bin (one tab over) in addition to the bins on the Bin Information tab.
I know you can’t delete a warehouse either if it has had a cost roll up. I have run into that several times unfortunately.
I’d bet that deletion would be disallowed if the warehouse is referenced by anything. And the one type of records you cant remove would be PartTran.
So if the parttran record specifies the warehouse (or even indirectly, by referencing a PartBin in that warehouse), then deletion would be disallowed.
I hate that a part can’t be deleted if a parttran record exists. Even one that doesn’t do anything. For example, we imported (via DMT) a bunch of parts (we knew some would be removed later). Then DMT’d in a cost for each, we could no longer remove the unwanted part, because a lone ADJ-CST record exited for it.
Yes, if you run a Cost Roll for a part that has that warehouse listed as a valid warehouse for the part at the time the cost roll was done, then you can’t delete the Warehouse because it’s now locked in as having a transaction.
Yep that’s what happened now we have parts in warehouses that will never exist and want to cleanup before stock take. Looks like generating and excluding 0’s is going to have to do.
A daring person might find all those lone PartTran entries for the parts in question, and then use SQL to set the P/N to specific P/N, created just for giving those parttrans a valid part table entry to reference.
For example, if my my overzealous DMT’ing created part XYZ-123, and did a cost update - thus creating a PartTran record
TranNum Company TranType PartNum ...
123499 MC ADJ-CST XYZ-123
And no other records reference partnum XYZ-123 …
Create a new Part DMT-Deleted
Use SQL to update parttran 123499, changing partnum from XYZ-123 to DMT-Deleted. Probably not a bad idea to update the Reference field of the PartTran record, to remind you that this is a record you tweaked. Maybe put the original PartNum in the ref field, so you could undo it if you had.
Back in E10, you would be able to delete part XYZ-123