Disable "Open With" Entry Menu


We are trying to disable two context menus from Sales Order Entry:

From Customer search box, we can Open With the screen “Customer Quick Entry”

And from Contact box we can Open With “Customer Contact Entry”

Is there a way to remove/disable these or if it’s not possible, then to open with our own customizations?

Thank you!

Context Menu Maintenance should be able to let you disable.

Context Menu Maintenance is probably what you’re looking for. For the two examples you have listed, you’d be looking at the Customer.CustID and probably CustCnt.Name for the other.

Once you know the appropriate Process ID’s you can either restrict them and/or add your desired customization through Menu Maintenance.

Unfortunately, those options aren’t part of the Context Menu items:

Ah, yes. As luck would have it, both forms you are describing are subforms. These are both variations of Customer Maintenance (OMMT1110). That complicates things a bit. I suspect there is some Epimagic at play here where subforms are automagically included.

Subforms can be customized though. You can find a discussion on that here:

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