If you look at the preferences when you login there is a section under My account, that says Automatically sign on. We noticed some users are using this feature, and we don’t want them to. Can this feature be disabled at the company or site level? If so, how?
Thank you!
Hi Nate,
Uncheck ‘Allow save password’ in Password Policy Maintenance. That’ll disable the automatically sign on box.
Just curious about this security issue… (these are real questions… trying to understand the issue).
What is your concern?
Are your people locking their computer when they walk away?
Do your people share workstations?
Reason I ask… When you get into MS Outlook (for example) it does not make you log in again… once you have logged in, Office lets you in. Same with everything else on the computer.
Most people area asking for the Single Sign-On capability… and once you get there, you only sign in once and then all apps are signed in. How does this experience cause issues?
Good questions. From a security perspective we assume everyone should have to login every time they use Epicor. Is this overkill? Oh yeah! People are supposed to lock their computers when they walk away. Certainly, this doesn’t always happen. Our users mostly do not share workstations. However, some stations are shared between day and night shift. We don’t want someone to walk up to the PC and see that epicor is already open and start using it without logging in as themselves. I don’t think this has been a problem for us in the past. We only changed the setting to make sure our security is consistent, not because of a specific security concern.
There’s another thread about a new security frame work for “signing” that requires the user enter their name and password even if already logged into Epicor. I’ll find that link and update this post with it.
Nate - you were the one that started that thread.
Here it is for others.
Yes, I saw that and used it. Right now, it only works in browser kinetic, but I have some plans for that esign feature!