We have created a UD date field within JobHead which we are looking to use an in-transaction data directive to populate the field with todays date minus the production prep buffer days stored against the Part
I’ve created a Set Field rule, and can see there is a ‘AddInterval()’ function, but struggling to see how I’d then bring in the Part.ProductionPrepBuffer to this expression when the only available data within this directive is from ttJobHead, as expected.
I was wondering if anyone has achieved something similar when looking at two different tables to use within the same expression, or if I need to be looking at the Set by Query option instead?
Ahh sorry, I’m not sure where to enter the expression. So thought maybe I’d need to bring in a Set Field widget. Would it be using Execute Custom Code instead please?
It certainly was! Thank you for help in getting me to this point. I believe the issue lies with what we are trying to achieve, we will need to reassess due to the data type mismatch.
Turns out the criteria has changed and we now need to figure out how to replace Today with JobHead.PlannedKitDate within this expression, so it reads Planned Kit Date-PrepTime so still a bit of a work in progress.
Just out of interest, if its possible please, do you know how we could bring in a WeekDay() function to this expression so that it excludes weekends when doing the calculation?