Direct Labor/Indirect Labor


Under Pay Type Maintenance you need to define the expense accounts and the
indirect G/L account associated with them. We have them set up under our
regular and overtime pay types. By entering them here it will override the
g/l defaults for each pay type when that expense account # is entered. I
hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Hambleton [mailto:kbh@...]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 7:27 AM
To: Vantage@...
Subject: [Vantage] Direct Labor/Indirect Labor

Hello everyone. I was hoping someone could shed some light on the following
issue for me:

We use data collection for labor reporting. I have several indirect labor
codes and workcenters set up for things like machine maintenance, meetings
and other non direct type functions. What I see happening is when we pull
an employees time over to payroll it brings it over as a batch from clock in
time to clock out time. and I can change the code for that block of time to
a direct labor pay type or an indirect pay type. The problem is within that
block of time an employee may be performing both direct and indirect
functions. But because the block of time is charged to a direct pay type
all the time is being charged to direct labor GL account. Am I missing a
step to be able to charge indirect time to indirect labor GL account within
a block of time? Am I missing something behind the scenes, it doesn't
appear to be charging the indirect labor to the indirect GL account? I have
check everything I could think of but nothing seems to set up incorrectly.

Kathy Hambleton
Electron Energy Corp

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Hello everyone. I was hoping someone could shed some light on the following issue for me:

We use data collection for labor reporting. I have several indirect labor codes and workcenters set up for things like machine maintenance, meetings and other non direct type functions. What I see happening is when we pull an employees time over to payroll it brings it over as a batch from clock in time to clock out time. and I can change the code for that block of time to a direct labor pay type or an indirect pay type. The problem is within that block of time an employee may be performing both direct and indirect functions. But because the block of time is charged to a direct pay type all the time is being charged to direct labor GL account. Am I missing a step to be able to charge indirect time to indirect labor GL account within a block of time? Am I missing something behind the scenes, it doesn't appear to be charging the indirect labor to the indirect GL account? I have check everything I could think of but nothing seems to set up incorrectly.

Kathy Hambleton
Electron Energy Corp