Not sure what I did for year end and start of new year 12/31/21. My ending balance for 12/31/21 is correct and is reconciled to bank. My 1/1/22 start figure is different by the 3 entries made after the 12/31/21 but with apply dates of respective 12/2021 dates. I made bank a/r entries with apply dates of 12/31/21 or earlier. I balanced as of 12/31/21 with bank and g/l. Why would that affect the 1/2022 start figure after it balanced? We have not closed our books yet. This happened once before with old controller at year end.
Part of our year end procedure is to run the Transfer Opening Balances to Next Year, under Financial/GL>Gen Ops. If we forget to run it at least once in the new year, we get differences in G/L accounts like you are seeing. Once you run it once, then you can still make changes in last year and the new year balances are updated.
OK. I think my controller understands that. I’m confusing apply dates with entry dates. Thank you.