I created a simple BAQ (for a part search) and created a Dashboard.
I checked the Generate Kinetic Form to Deploy the Dashboard.
Then I added a menu item, selected Program Type: Kinetic App, and found the program from the Deploy Dashboard step.
I also added a Kinetic BAQ Grid widget on the Kinetic Home screen, to give different user multiple ways to access the search BAQ, but I noticed some differences between the BAQ Grid and the Kinetic Dashboard.
The BAQ Grid opens with the column filters on and you can highlight a portion (and Ctrl C to copy) text out of the displayed boxes.
The BAQ Grid also returns results faster.
In the Kinetic Dashboard, you cannot highlight sections of text and cannot copy out the search results fields.
Does someone know how to get the Kinetic Dashboard to open with the Search and Group Boxes available upon opening?
This is what I get now:
Does anyone know how to make the context menus to work from the Kinetic BAQ search results? I would like to be able to right click on the results and open with (time phase or part transaction history tracker for part numbers, as an example).
I have found another difference. The Kinetic BAQ Grid is a snapshot in time and will only update when the Smart Client is re-started or the refresh button is engaged. The Kinetic Dashboard shows live data when processing the results (which is probably why it takes a bit longer to generate results).
The BAQ Grid Widget on the homepage and the fully featured grid component inside screens are different controls with different feature. We’ll eventually come and replace the grid component used on homepage with the same one used on screens and normalize the features between them, but that’s not on the docket to do quite yet. There’s no way for you to do this yourself so things like drilling through data using context menus, other filtering and grouping options aren’t available on homepage baq grids until we do this.
Note that both are a snapshot in time, but the one on dashboard can have automatic refresh from the dashboard and also loads progressively (scroll to load more records) vs. loading all ahead of time.
Here is how to set a Kinetic Dashboard to Expand on opening and show Filter and Grouping.
Open the Kinetic Dashboard and Click on the three dots to the right (and select Customization).
Select the Layer you want to modify or create a new Layer.
Click the Layout button, then click on the dashboard, then click on the Properties: