I write accruals at month end. Since we pay folks on a weekly basis on
Fridays, I sometimes end up with a partial week and a full week to accrue.
I do use the actual week's payroll figures to accrue payroll and the
applicable % of the partial week. It is easy and accurate. Works for us.
Since we run the actual week's payroll while I am still working on the
month's financial statements, I do not worry about deleting groups and just
use the actual information.
I do not see Vantage as having any problems in handling this. Some
situations just demand to be made through the General Journal with manual
entries. I view a payroll accrual as one of them. IF all employees were on
a salary and IF all months were 28 days, then a recurring entry would work
great. But.......reality is as it is.
Have I addressed your concern or am I skirting the issue?
Reeder & Kline Machine Co., Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mann [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:47 AM
To: Vantage User Group (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Payroll Accruals - Does anyone do them monthly?
Hello Everyone,
We are having a problem in payroll regarding payroll accruals from one month
to the next. Does anyone perform this using manual entries or is it just
ignored? I do not believe Vantage performs this 100%. Someone once
responded to a similar question that they mimic the payroll for the
remaining days of the month then print reports, remove payroll group and use
figures to create manual journal entries. Using this method which figures
should be used since some of Vantage's labor is posted when timecards are
entered. Could someone please advise??
Darren Mann
Miller Products Co.
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