Demand Link Deleted

Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.

I had a user, Scheduler, “Accidentally” delete the demand link on a job that has Labor and transaction on it. I’ve tried to create a new release and link it to that, but it doesn’t work. Does anyone have any suggestions here?

Thank you Very Much for your time,

Jonathan, the demand link is in the JobProd table. I believe you should be able to re-link an existing job to the original order release, even if it’s been partially worked. Did you try this way?


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Thanks for the reply Monty. Yes we did and had received a long error.

The actual issue was with the Configurated Part and the Document Rules.I stepped through the Configuration and saved it on the Sales Order. I went back to the job and reconnected it to the Sales Order, Line and Release.\

This has been solved.

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