My finance department is trying to clean up and standardize some of the part classes we use for requisition purposes. Has anyone had any luck deleting part classes that have been used on a requisition or purchase order?
The part classes in question are used for requisitions only, not inventory parts.
As far as I know you cannot delete a class once any related trans exist.
What I have done instead is add a prefix “Z-” to the classes description.
That will give users a visual cue… and drop it to the bottom of std search lists in E10.
We added a UD field to the PartClass table (a Bit field named “Inactive_c”)
Then did a BPM to the BO’s that retrieve the list, modifying the WhereClause to filetr out anything with Inactive_c = true
This works well, as you only have to do it once, and it works everywhere. Just don’t forget to put a condition in that ignores this for a user that maintains the Part Classes.
You’ll obviously need to customize the Part Class form to access this new field.
Thanks for the feedback. We ended up going with just a prefix for the Part Class description. There were only 2 classes that needed adjustment, so this worked well.