Deleting Active Task


Is there any one who can help.

We have a Task stuck in Active Tasks (Process MRP) which we though we had deleted. We have tried to “Restarting the taskagent and processserver appserver processes” but it hasn’t cleared this Active Task and we can’t run MRP.

Does anyone had a simialar experience and know how to clear this Task.



The only way I have managed to get rid of this issue was to update the relevant row in Ice.SysTask table via SSMS, setting the status to ‘CANCELLED’ and the History column to true.

Once I did this I recycled the app pool and restarted the task agent and I was able to run MRP again.

I’m guessing that the agent look for active/ non history tasks and try to restart them.

Please note that this is not recommended by Epicor, and whatever you do is at your own risk, but it became a fairly necessary evil on 10.0.7, where MRP was very buggy and this seemed the only way to kill he task.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the info, our experince with Epicor is limited we are currently in the implementation stage.
We are not sure what SSMS is.



SSMS is SQL Server Management Studio and is an add on to SQL Server.

If you create a simple BAQ in the Ice.SysTask table you’ll be able to see the task that won’t cancel and get the SYSTASKNUM value.

The value used in the where clause of the update statement

The update I used was something like ‘Update EpicorErpTest.Ice.SysTask set TaskStatus = ‘CANCELLED’, history = 1 where systasknum = ???’

The time I needed it there was a production manager shouting out for the daily job lists and machines idling away , so it was pretty urgent.

If you can wait it may be worth asking for a data fix from Epicor and get an understanding of the data fix workbench, which is a process worth knowing in the long term.

the first query will show you all active tasks… once you identify the task num, run the next two and it will clear it out.

select * from ice.SysTaskKill

update ice.SysTask
set EndedOn = GetDate(), TaskStatus = 'Complete', History = 1
where SysTaskNum = 442920

delete ice.SysTaskKill
where SysTaskNum = 442920

Thank you Rob and Andrew, it has worked.

