Delete Part

Dear Team,

We have created the new company, after that we have uploaded the Parts through DMT tool. While doing the Quantity Adjustment through DMT tool system throws an exception " InventoryQtyAdj Msg: Part was not found ". We have identified that Parts numbers and descriptions are mismatched with the uploaded parts.

Could you please suggest how to delete uploaded Parts, Quantity Adjustments and Cost Adjustments from the system?

Note: There is no transaction occurred related to part in the system till date. Once it is delete from system we will upload from scratch.

Thanks in advance.

If you can’t delete a part there are transactions. If you want to delete in mass, select the delete option and run DMT again.

is it possible to delete all parts data from multiple database table like PartBin, Parttran, PartFIFOCost etc…?

I think this is heading in the wrong direction!

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Seriously… @Hari_Dutt back away from this question and no one gets hurt… :zipper_mouth_face::scream:

There’s terrible ideas, and then there’s this… no bueno friend just de-activate the part and #MoveOn


@Hari_Dutt - When seeding a new Company with data, it’s a good idea to make a backup of the DB prior to each step.

That way, the worst case scenario would be rolling back to the state it was in prior to that last step.


Once it’s in those other tables there’s really no going back sorry.

Since this is a new company, is deleting the company and starting again from scratch an option. I believe Epicor provides an option to delete the company. But then you’d have to reload everything.

Oh! That’s good advice and I will take it myself as I’m starting to load information into our Production DB… I discovered when uploading parts into Pilot via DMT that the .csv file had dropped all the trailing zero’s in my part numbers; I was able to delete them because I hadn’t loaded cost or inventory to them yet but I only focused on deleting a few that I was going to work with in Pilot. I’ll be much more careful when uploading parts to Production DB. I’m actually planning to load them in segments rather than a massive upload of the 5k plus part numbers in our system.

I learned the hardway. Uploaded parts we didn’t need, figuring we’d just delete them later. But after doing Cost AdJ (even with 0 QOH - as we hadn’t done Qty Adj’s yet) those parts (about 6,000 of them) are forever stuck in E10 :frowning:

Ouch! We have that situation in the system we’re moving out of – so I’m trying to be very cautious about what’s moving over and what will just stay in the old system and SQL DB to be dealt with if needed later. Not to mention the various MPN’s or Qualified Mfg p/n’s associated with a lot of those parts… fun times!

Only Cost Adjustment with std/avg/last cost writes only into PartTran table which is the most common issue I have encountered as well. If Epicor have provided archive option for ParTran with Part range, it is not hard to delete a part.

I’ve mulled over the idea of doing something very very bad.

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please be careful, don’t give anyone bad ideas.

Let’s avoid someone stumbling across this post, not reading the entire thing, because TLDR, and thinking messing with SQL is a solution to getting rid of parts. We all deal with unwanted part records.

If you mark parts as inactive, they do not appear by default in the search screen without changing the search criteria. No one can use an inactive part. To fully prevent this, you could add field security the Part.Inactive field.

Any queries using the part table could be easy filtered to include only active parts.

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