Define BAQ Grid Column Width and Auto Refresh

Two separate questions regarding BAQ grids that I created for my team:

  1. Is there a way to define the column width? Trying to get all columns to show up without having to horizontally scroll or manually drag the columns more narrow every time. No matter how many times we manually tighten the columns on the BAQ grid, they revert back

  2. Is there a way to have a BAQ grid auto-refresh every X number of seconds?

Thank you!

If you move your BAQ into a Dashboard you can do both.

Rookie question - how do I do that? Any links or help articles would be helpful. Thank you!

In Classic:
Load Dashboard Editor, (Not Dashboard Maintenance)
Tools - Select Developer.
File - New - New Dashboard
Definition ID: (Enter DB name)
Caption: (Long Name)
File - New - Query - (look up the BAQ you created)
AutoRefresh on Load: Check Yes
Refresh Interval: (Read the help, it’s one of the things your looking for)
Press OK:
Goto the “Dashboard” Tab.
You will see your BAQ here, resize the column widths.
Tools - Deploy
Check “Deploy Classic Application”
Press Deploy.
You have now created a DB which you can add to the menu if you like.

The tools user guide has some really good walk-throughs for doing things the first time, like BAQ’s, dashboard, and that kind of stuff. The help menu isn’t all that intuitively laid out, so if you don’t know it’s there, it can be kind of hidden. But page through that you will be introduced to a lot of things.

Whenever you adjust column widths, or turn them on or off, you have to click the three dots on the card and click save layout, otherwise it will revert back to what it was before.

You can also double click the right edge of columns and they will auto-fit to the data (column title included) this is similar to File Explorer and Excel behavior. It’s a lot quicker than dragging.

There’s a suggestion open on the Ideas portal to give us an auto-fit button as that would save a lot of time.

Right - that’s what I have been doing but the save layout functionality doesn’t seem to be working for BAQ tables. Keeps reverting back to how it was every time.