Is is anywhere where the default archive period for reports can be set to something other than 0?
No All things are possible with a BPM though
Thanks @aidacra yeah I just saw is a cough stupid hard coded list cough
Fixed it with 2 data directives, SysRptList Archive=true, SysRptLst.PurgeDate = Today+7 IF ArchiveCode=0
Data directive attached for the curious mind and those who want this. Use as is, provide no guarantees, blah blah Test Server , blah blah don’t call me
DefaultArchive.bpm (39.5 KB)
I’ll add this to the wish list section too.
How about with getting the Reports sheet in System Monitor to list more than one archived report?
It does for me…?
It’s a bug in some releases. This is the issue that @erikj was referring to in this post: Live on E10.2.200.8; issue with System Monitor - #28 by erikj - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum
Which Reminds me I need to put in a Wish Request for Output Format to save with “Save Defaults” Action
This question just came up for us too! Looks like we’ll need to borrow your BPM.
BTW - I tried creating a Data Directive in 9.05 to do something similar but it doesn’t seem to override.